Thursday, January 03, 2008

7 wierd/random things about me

I've been tagged by the Laundress--she has one of my favorite blogs. I always learn something new.
Here are the rules:

Link to the person (i.e. The Laundress) who tagged you.

Post the rules on your blog:

Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.

Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I am going with the 7 Deadly Sins:

I was angry with Gwennie because she has ruined a second floor rug. The first she was digging to China and made holes in it. We got another rug for the holidays with the intention of covering it with her holey rug once company was gone and Sloth got to me and we did not bring the old one back in time. She is unraveling this one. I did not stay angry long, as when she smiles it makes your heart sing!
Gluttony: this is wierd!
I looked at the ingredients of some doggie gourmet biscuits, the pup got for Christmas (they are the same as sugar cookies), so I tasted one and they were good! I had 3 tonite when I got home 'cause I was hungry and they were at hand. Gwennie doesn't like them so I am going to have to toss them before I eat the whole package.
I never got out of my PJ's all day New Year's day, and I did nothing as it was my last day of vacation. Christmas still surrounded me, as well as the laundry from our trip to San Diego and I did nothing. We watched a Biggest Loser Marathon, and I tried to beat my 20 questions game, it is fascinating! What a loser!
I don't lust so much anymore, about anything. I stopped to sleep on it and I still can't think of anything I lust about. How sad. Years ago we had water delivered and all the women at work including me, lusted after the Sparklets man. He wore shorts all year round and he was hot! And on casual Friday (it's all casual all the time now) about 10 years ago, one of the managers (now) wore his jeans and cowboy boots and he was kind of hot walking away from you, but sadly he is 10 years older too and just very nice, not hot.
Am I greedy, I don't like to think so, but what is my favorite ice cream doing at the bottom/back of my freezer? I keep all my bottled water locked up at work, so I don't have to buy or share. I'm not greedy, just protective and thrifty.
Am I envious of anyone? You betcha'. Anyone who is heading out on a Cruise (read the Sarge and Miss Bee.) All of our friends who are retired, because I can't get the week the MG GoF (gathering of the faithful) off in July, we aren't going, 'cause Mr BC does not want to go alone. Mr. BC who can take a nap every afternoon if he wants. Since vacation last week I have been failing about 3:00pm and ready to slip under the desk for a nap.
Oh, yes, of my kids I always find a way to mention DD1 is an Attorney, and my second born, DD2 is going for a second major, in Psychology so she can become a counselor and go to Graduate School, all while working hard at her job. Plus I am proud, (by Marriage) that my SIL is a Ph.D in engineering and his business is starting to take off. Yes I am proud!! And of course I have the best most beautiful Corgi in the world, better than the Queen's!
Tag you're it, only if you want to! Because many of you have already done this one:
I guess that is not following the rules but if you notice my side bar I only have a few friends who I read regularly and read me so they can consider themselves tagged!

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