Monday, July 30, 2007

Vintage MG Club

We finally went to an outing with the Vintage MG club we belong to, since Mr Bankerchick has finally restored his MGTF to the point he is happy to show. We drove as a group to the Will Rogers State Park. Mr B's MG is the red one at the end of the row. We had a lot of fun meeting the others in the club, mostly folks about our age and interests. I really look forward to the other monthly activities, Mr B will go to the meetings, One is set up for Long Beach in August, a rally, and a mini GoF (Gathering of Faithful) up in Big Bear in September. I look forward to getting to know the folks better. I already feel like I have made some friends.

The park was beautiful up in the Pacific Palisades, near Santa Monica. You can tour the family home, the stables where he kept his horses for his passion, Polo of all things for a boy from Oklahoma!

In the early 1930s, Will Rogers was the most popular and highest paid actor in Hollywood. From his start in vaudeville theater with a trick roping act, he rose to world-wide fame as a columnist, philosopher, radio personality, and movie star. In the late 1920s, Will built the home and ranch where he and his wife, Betty, reared their three children, Will, Jr.,
Mary and Jim. 1

Some of his quotes are are timeless..........

1) Never miss a good chance to shut up.

2) If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

3) There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to touch an electric fence.

4) If you’re riding’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there.

5) Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier’n puttin’ it back.

6) There are two theories to arguing with women….neither work.

He was an admirable man, He made millions if you were counting in today's money, but he live very simply in this rambling house. He and Betty gave away their money to charity and to folks in need during the depression. When Will died in 1935 in a aircrash in Alaska, he had no savings as he wasn't expecting to die, he had contracts for movies, radios, his newspaper columns etc. So Betty and the kids sold some of the 300 plus acres surrounding the ranch, and kept 186 where the house was, then left it to the state of California, providing they kept the Polo Grounds.
On weekend you can visit the park and hike and picnic and tour the house and barn areas. And see polo matches. It was actually quite fun and exciting. The Beverly Hills team played the Santa Monica team. BH won. Mr B took his new camera and got some great shots!

The day was wonderful, and I am looking forward to many outings in the MGTF with the breeze blowing thru my Hair

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