Sunday, November 18, 2007

I borrowed this from Linda at Are We There Yet?
The Five Things Meme

Found in My Room (the Living/Dining room.!) ...
1. A dusty stack of wine bottles, (full)
2. A chair I need to take back to storage
3. My computer and printer
4. A pop up trash can I am using for a laundry basket.
5. A bag of doggie treats I bought for Gwennie

I've Always Wanted to Do ...
1. Live in England for a while to see everything.
2. Take a Cruise with Mr BC, I know he would love it.
3. Tour the US in for a Year (with Travel Trailer this may get done)
4. Have a house at the Beach in some tropical spot.
5. Learn how to draw and paint. (no talent at all)

Found in My Purse
1. A lip stick I forget to use
2. pennies
3. A paint swatch
4. Various decongestants that someone said would work.
5. Eye cream, that won't help

Found in My Wallet ...
1. About $40.00 mostly in 1's and 5's
2 Drivers Licence
3. Albertson's Preferred Card
4. My Train Pass
5. My Pet Perks Card for Gwennie's treats.

I 'm Currently Into ...
1. Finding things to make the travel trailer more Comfortable, I just bought fleece sheets,
2. Reading end of the world books, currently Alas Babylon.
3. Packing for my trip Thanksgiving Day, no cooking for me!
4. Thinking about updating my kitchen still.
5. Losing 20 more pounds to make my Doctor Happy, when she gets back from maternity leave
in January. That will be a trick during the holidays.

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