Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New President

Courtesy of Yahoo News/Legoland

Well the hoopla is over and it is down to work for Obama. Mr BC tivoed it for me and it was nice fast forwarding away from the non-news happy talk and get to the speechafying. It was a good speech sincere and heartfelt. President Obama and Congress have a monumental job ahead and it won't be pretty.

I am a child of the 50's and 60's so having a black man in the Oval Office was something I had not thought I would not see in my life time. I remember a time when it was truely unthinkable. I am glad I was wrong, times change, and diversity is here and in action. Well done!

Now we have a new President and he will get down to work and he will, before we might want it, have a very short honeymoon. He will cease being the first African-American president and be THE president and the focus of all that is good and bad in this country. Good Luck Mr President! I would not want your job for the world!

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