2) It's about that glorious passion you feel when you first fall for someone. How many times have you been in love? Just one time. With Mr Bankerchick.....all the rest have been crushes from long ago.
3) San Francisco radio stations briefly removed "I Feel the Earth Move" from their playlists after the 1989 earthquake. Have you ever been in an earthquake and literally felt "the earth move under your feet?" I am a former CA resident and I remember a lot of the more recent earth quakes. They have never inflicted any personal damage for me, other that one time some dishes etc. fell out of the cupboards and our TV was knocked of the shelf and was hanging by its cord.
4) Carole King is the first and only woman to win the Gershwin Prize for songwriting from the Library of Congress. Here's your chance to brag a little -- tell us about an accolade you have received. Well, over the years I have been employee of the month, Whoop, Whoop!
5) Carole wrote "You've Got a Friend," which was a mega hit for her good pal, James Taylor. King and Taylor have known one another for more than 40 years, but have never been romantically involved. Do you have any platonic friends of the opposite sex? Sure, I have had some men friends. I don't have any close men friends any more, other than Mr BC. He is my best Friend, who I have known and loved for many years, but he can't be considered platonic.
6) Like more than 80% of the population, Carole is right handed. Are you right handed, left handed (10%) or that most rare of all, ambidextrous (less than 10%)? I am part of the 80%. Life can cause problems for the Lefties. One of the grandsons seems to be a lefty.
7) One of Carole King's earliest hits was Little Eva's "The Loco-Motion." Little Eva was the teenager King hired to care for her young children. Tell us about a sitter who cared for you when you were little. My Grandparents were generally my baby sitter, and my lovely Aunt Nettie. Some times, one of my mom's sister. Always family.
8) Beautiful is the title of the Broadway play about Carole King's life. If we were producing your lifestory, what would you want us to call it? Maybe....Send in the Clowns.
9) Carole wrote "Pleasant Valley Sunday," the Monkees' song about conspicuous consumption. When Crazy Sam looks at her crowded shelf of hair products (paraben-free conditioner, keratin-restoring conditioner, hair masque, hot oil conditioner …), she realizes she's guilty of it herself. Have you bought anything recently that you later decided was a waste of money? I bought a Roomba several years ago, which was a real waste of money. Recently, I have bought some diet products that have been a waste of money as well. I bought a Thunder Shirt for my puppie, Miss Gwennie that did not work well for her. I am sure there are more things that I just can't remember.