Monday, October 24, 2011

I am sitting in the quiet of my new home. The sun is rising, the leaves are turning and the birds are coming alive. We have discovered a woodchuck under our shed and he is readying his day. My internet is working and I am reflecting on this trip to the homestead!

On this trip we brought many of my own personal things and as, I look around I can see my stamp being put upon this home.  This indeed was Mr Bankerchick's mother's home for so many years but with her passing it has become our home.

I have rearranged things in the kitchen so that it reflects my taste and and my way of working. The dining room has her wonderful round oak table and vintage buffet and it also contains a writing desk that I refinished and a glass front cabinet  of my own. The upper floor is a loft space that we have been cleaning out for DD2 when she joins us in November,  You would have been amused to see us trying to get a box spring up the stairs,(pivot, PIVOT) and have decided that we will have to enlist some help before we try to move anything else up those stairs, just to save our backs, and our tempers.

We leave on Wednesday, back to California to bring DD2 and the dogs and the rest of her and our things to the homestead. And we will stay in Missouri until after the new year. Our new grandson will arrive in February and I actually will be going back after Christmas to be with DD1 and prepare the California house for sale and Mr BC will come in Feb for Birthdays and delivery. We are excited to start a new chapter in our life.


  1. You have so much to look forward to, isn't that marvelous? **big smiles**

  2. Oh wow! That is a BIG move! I didn't know if the visits to Missouri were for a second home or a new home. I'm sure you will enjoy your new adventure, but your family in SB will miss you.
