Mr Bankerchick posted this picture for me. We lived in Missouri for a couple of years while he was going to University. Being a California girl not use to the seasons, I always thought Spring and Autumn were the best seasons. The weather was always an interesting change from California's Hot and Cold. We stayed long enough for DD1 to arrive then left for California again when she was 4 months old and Daddy had graduated. An interesting coincidence was the Maternity Ward at St Johns Hospital, Joplin, is now the Cardiac Center and Mr BC spent a lot of time in the waiting room when DD1 was born and more days when Grandma had her surgery and was recovering. The first picture is the dogwood outside of Grandma's house. The second is by her driveway. I love Spring.
Mr BC is starting for home tomorrow. He will have been gone over a month, and I will be glad when he is safely home. His mother is having good days and bad days but in general is good, a visiting nurse comes 2 times a week, she has therapy once a week and his sister, who lives across the street is close at hand as well as her 2 kids. We are hoping for the best, as she has been doing things her way, not eating enough and sitting in her chair too long. I am hoping that when she is semi-on her own she will realize she has nothing to prove to anyone and will decide to do what she is told, as long as it is not her kids telling her what to do. She has always been stubborn, but usually minded her Doctors. Mr BC says the nurse is great and tells her like it is, I think if she is told she might not be able to live unassisted unless she gets her health back, that might be the carrot to dangle in front of her.
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