Monday, December 19, 2011

Peg o' My Heart

Peg of Square Peg in a Round Hole gave me an award and I thank her. I met her blog through MamaKat's writing meme, another worthy Blog. Peg  is one of of the folks I read almost everyday. I love her 'down home" style and especially her trips she takes with her husband.  If you are not reading Peg, you may want to look her up.

I love award shows and I love it when folks take the time to write comments or Follow me and I like having the opportunity to recognize the blogs I try to read every week. I have several on my side bars and they are my old faithfuls and worthy of a read as well.

“Liebster is German and translates to the English word dearest. I really touched to be awarded this as it’s meant for up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers so thank ladies for passing it on to me! I hope we all get over 200 soon and can play with the big guns
Here are the Rules:

Thank the donor and link back to their blog
Publicize your top five picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
Post the award on your blog.
Encourage the people who receive it to list their five favorites.

There may be some in my list of favorites today, who do not appreciate awards as much as I might:  (I have so few) just know that I love and appreciate your blogs and hope others who come by me today might visit your blog. You don't have to follow the Rules: I think of them as suggestions.
  1. Akelamalu: She is from England and we have been reading each other for a few years now.  If I ever get to Great Britain, I would love to meet her.  I would really love to go with her on one of her trips. She does a great guide with pictures.
  2. Pumpkin Delight: She is a Delight.  A Southern California gal like me, who teaches 2nd Grade.  I met here through MamaKat's writing meme. She reminds me of CA now that I have left, and has great recipes too!
  3. Maddie: She writes from her Enchanted Village in England's Rural Underbelly. I wish her village was my village, she writes of her friends, the village happenings and she goes to the Greek Isles.Another BloggerI would like to travel with too.
  4. Comtesse Olympe de la Tour D'Auvergne: accomplished Costumer in Washington D.C. and historian, who also writes a diary of her life in 18th Century France, she has met the King. I love this blog and can't wait for her posts, especially the diary entries. I went all the way back to the beginning on this blog.
  5. In Whispers and Shouts: I have just started following this blogger.  I found her through Write on Edge. I  started by reading her writing prompts and gradually started reading her other posts. She is what you might call a Mommy Blogger with more.  She has a lovely family which you see on Funny Face Fridays. 
Now I will spend some time this morning reading some of my 'winners'.


  1. Congratulations on the award and thankyou for passing it on to me. I don't post awards any more but believe me I'm thrilled to be counted amongst your nominees.

    If ever you get to Great Britain I would absolutely love to meet up with you. xxxx

  2. Aww! A Mommy Blogger with more!! Thanks so much for the kind words and the mention!

  3. Hello BC, many thanks for the award. My village is truly enchanted - my neighbours tell me it doesn't exist, but it does, it really does!

  4. Oh that's so sweet. Thank you! Happy holidays in your new home.
