Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Writer's Workshop: Photo Story: Take a walk through your neighborhood this week and share some pictures of what Spring looks like where you live.

My neighborhood this week was Santa Barbara.  Mr Bankerchick and I were taking turns with a little child care for the Grandson.  We have been visiting SB since 1991 when DD1 started at UCSB.  She went up there for her freshman year and never came home.  It was always, "I have a job for the summer" or "I am going to work on the Student News Paper and by the way I am moving to another student apartment, and it is only on the third floor, Dad!"

Graduation turned into a job with the University, then "Oh I met someone who is really important to me." Then slowly Mom and Dad realized that we had a daughter who lived in not at, Santa Barbara.  She left for a three year stint at Loyola Law school, passed the Bar, got a job, in Santa Barbara and married the someone who was really important to her. Then 2 years ago she gave birth to Darling Grandson and all of our lives have changed for the good.

So this week I had a taste of what life would have been like if I had a boy instead of a girls. This was different from other times when I took care of Лука, the infant and Лука the toddler. He is all boy now, so I played Cars, I played Train and I played Blocks all on the floor. He gets up so much easier from the floor than Grandma does. I spent most of the time with aches and pains and joy!

On this day we walked to the park.  Santa Barbara is so beautiful all year, but the spring is delightful. We spent some time in the sand and in the dirt and he chased butterflys.  DD1 and I have special feelings about Butterflys, as my mom was very partial to them.  We find many time that when we are all together  and we see a butterfly that we feel that Great Grandma is with us enjoying our time with Лука. 

This was the week after Easter so Лука found some glittery easter grass, holding it in his hand he was fluttering it in the air and pouncing it along the edges of the park bench.  I watched for some time trying to figure out the game he was playing. Trucks, I understand, but this activity I couldn't figure out.  So I asked him what he was playing. Spider, grandma, the itsy bitsy spider!We sang and I laughed and was so glad my mom was fluttering over my shoulder.

This was the view on the way to the Park.

                                               Taking a Break 

Chasing the Butterfly
Heading for Home


  1. Can't really blame her for never wanting to leave SB; so beautiful there!
