Saturday, September 07, 2013

Sunday Stealing

What would you choose to be famous for? 
I would like to be famous for finding a cure for something serious.

If you have a webcam, are you ever paranoid people can see you? 
No, not really I am not sure how many kicks a voyeur would get of me sitting in my blue chair. I always close my computer when not in use.

Do you find it difficult to sleep at night? Any reason(s) why?
No, not really.  I have a hard time sleeping in...and sometimes wish I wasn't an early riser.

If you had to go on a game show, which would you choose?
There aren't that many of them around that interest me.  Probably the Price is Right. I use to be pretty good at it when I watched it.

What about if you had to go on a reality show? Which would you choose then?
I think I would like to dance with a  star.  I don't watch it but I do like to dance.

Tell me about your favorite TV show:
I really like The Middle and The Big Bang Theory. I like British TV so I look for Mysteries and Comedy on Netflix and Hulu. I like Midsomer Murders and I have been turned on to Mrs Brown's Boys on You Tube, by blogging friend Valerie at A Mixed Bag. I see there is going to be a movie.

Why were you last irritated? The night we returned from California....I was tired as was Mr BC and we got on each other's nerves unpacking the car and settling in after driving all day.

What time did you get up this morning?
5:08. I woke up coughing and decided to get up so I don't wake Mr BC.  I was having a crazy dream anyway.

The last city you were in: Where was it and do you like it there?
Santa Barbara.  I love Santa Barbara because my kids and grandkids live there. It has a great climate and it is a lovely, picturesque city.

Do you like the countryside?
There is a lot of countryside around us here in MO.  I think I like National Forests and the beach better.

If you see someone yawn, do you often yawn as well?
Doesn't every one?  Just thinking about it makes me yawn.

Recommend a good movie: I really liked the Hunger Games and did not think I would. I am now a Jennifer Lawrence fan. I ended up reading the trilogy and look forward to the next one.  The Big Chill is my favorite of all time.  It had its 30th anniversary recently.

Do you think you’d make a good model? No  Would you ever want to be one? And No again. I am too short to even be a plus size model.

How often do you change your hairstyle?
Rarely, I have worn it short since High School.  I dabbled in a Carol Brady-like shag and a frizzy permanent in the 60's and 70's, what was I thinking?

What does it look like now? A short, pixie like cut.

Do you have a favorite day of the week? Wednesdays. Which is it? The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month we get our SS and I can do my big grocery shopping.

Are you alone?
I am rarely alone between Mr BC and the dogs. Being alone would be a luxury but I wouldn't want to do it for long.

When is the last time you were on the phone after 2 am? 
I panic if the phone rings after 9:00 pm so a 2 am call would scare me to death.


  1. The Big Chill is one of my all-time favorites--I can recite the dialogue from whole scenes from memory. Plus, the soundtrack is awesome.

    I like The Middle and Big Bang Theory, too!

  2. The Hunger Games made a Jennifer Lawrence fan of me, too! I can't wait for the next movie. I was listening to the Big Chill soundtracks when I was setting up my classroom this year. I love both the movie and the music.

  3. My nephew just moved to Santa Barbara for a new job. He is too lucky.

  4. Missouri is my home state! :) I was born and raised there but moved to Wisconsin when I was 39.

  5. I like Big Bang, too. It's a fun show.

  6. I've always wanted to try a pixie cut, but I've never been brave enough.

  7. We stopped in Santa Barbara for the day on our way back to the airport last year - it's lovely!
