Friday, March 01, 2013


Mikhail Nesterov

Restless, finally I sleep.
On waking, I expect a difference.
I labor to breathe,
Secretions wash over me.
 My body spasms.
 Reaching for your comfort,
 YOU sneeze.
 God no! I am not alone.


For the weekend challenge we are asked for exactly thirty-three words
written in first person narrative.



  1. Ah,the flu I guess?Once it enters a home,it takes everyone down,ugh!Loved the piece with the pics lending it an edge:-)

  2. With the influence of the first picture this took on a tragic consumption bent, but with the second picture it took on a flu bent, where it became funny rather than tragic. Interesting!

  3. added lines .. DANG! Now I have to take care of HIM, too?!

    :) well done.

  4. Ha! I like this...

  5. How sweet of you to share;)

    This was a great little piece!

  6. Lovely image! I nice picture painted with words!

  7. Totally twisted my mind with the first pic - thinking of illness, imminent disaster, then realised what you meant by the 2nd pic...very funny and clever.

  8. Great work.

    Isn't using pictures cheating though? The story is so much more in my mind with the addition of that first pic.

    Great story none the less

  9. lol eeeeeww I thought it was something much worse (: Though a cold is pretty bad...

  10. Great twist. Love the build up.

  11. This is lovely. Sweet and funny. Nicely done!

    When I used to play Trifecta all the time, I had the actual judges TELL me it would have improved my piece to include an illustration. Now someone disses you for doing just that. Kinda reminded why I don't do it so much anymore.

  12. None of that stuff in my house this season-knock on wood! Ouch! Enjoyed it! Thank you.

  13. haha, that was cute. if not for the images, i would have thought those 33 words were leading to another tale. well done.

  14. Very nice site by the way friendly and well laid out.

  15. Love it! And have you ever done a good job of capturing the misery of being sick!

  16. I wanted to laugh, but maybe the scene you painted is a little too realistic. I wouldn't want to poke fun if you are miserable!

    Great work!

  17. My poor wife always encourages me to "Fight it! Fight it! Don't give in to it!" whenever she sees the signs of "Man Cold" coming on. Can't say that I blame her. :)

  18. An O Henry tale told short and swift. Nice little surprise. When I look at your blog caricature, I wonder. Are you really little with a big head?

  19. Very well done.. for 33 words :)

  20. I never know if it's better to be sick on your own or to hobble through with someone else. Ack!

  21. It's a pity we can't take it in turns to be poorly - to get at least a little cosseting!

  22. That first stanza is lovely in itself, and then it sets up the punchline so well. Fun little piece!
