Monday, April 01, 2013

Miss AUSTEN-April A-Z

Here is my first entry for the A-Z Challenge.  I want to thank Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out for starting this challenge in 2010.  I'll bet he never thought it would grow this big, when he challenged the Bloggy world to post about a different letter of the Alphabet every day in April.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."
This year marks the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s "Pride and Prejudice.
I am such a Jane Austen fanatic, summer is on the way and I devote my summers to all things Austen. I spend it re-reading a Jane Austen novel.  I usually try to find a well written sequel recommended by some of the Austen web sites I frequent and I read something about the great lady herself.  I even read the zombie Pride and Prejudice one summer (rather bizarre actually) and one P & P sequel was some what erotic for my tastes, but it was nice to know Elizabeth and Darcy had some interesting sex at Pemberley, which they indulged in about every third chapter.

Jane Austen fans will be celebrating at Chawton, in Bath, and all over the world. There will be
read-a-thons, essay contests, dancing lessons and Regency Ball re-creations, You can see nationwide calendar here from the Republic of Pemberley site.

One festival on the calendar is in Louisville KY  here.  The Jane Austen Society chapter is scheduled for July 21 and 22.  I would love to hop in my RV and go for the festivities.

Even better is this ultimate JA tour here.  When I do one day return to England I will definitely visit some Jane Austen sites. 

You can celebrate the anniversary by reading a Austen novel along with me this summer.


  1. I hope that you are having fun in Cali! I really enjoyed reading Pride and Prejudice. I think the Greer Garson film does the book justice.

  2. I've never read it but of course I've seen a few different versions on TV. I'm assuming they don't do the novel justice. Welcome to the A-Z fun :)

  3. I love Jane Austen! Slightly abashed to say that I didn't start reading her till last year.. But she's one of my favorites now :)

    Happy A-Z'ing!

    AJ Lauer
    #atozchallenge helper minion
    Twitter: @ayjaylauer

  4. Hi! Your the second post regarding Jane Austin! I have got to check those books out...almost did this last library visit, now the next I most certainly will!! Enjoyed!

  5. Hi! I'm visiting you back via A-Z :) This post made me laugh. I have to admit that I've never had the patience to tackle Pride and Prejudice. I've nver even opened the cover....I know. I know. But this makes me very interested in the story (and all the spinoffs that followed...) have a great month and I'll check in again tomorrow!

  6. Hi, I am a new follower from the A to Z challenge. It is good to be here and I enjoyed today's post about Jane Austen.

  7. Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge!

    Interesting post! I'd love to hear your suggestion for the first Austen novel I should read (I admit it, I've never read any of her work).

    Best of luck with the rest of the alphabet!

    -Cristyl @

  8. I admit that I have only watched Pride and Prejudice! I really need to get myself reading some Austen too!

  9. Stopping by as an A to Z Challenge minion! I'm one of L. Diane Wolfe's Spunky Soldiers. Looks like you're off to a great start. :)

    Jane Austen is an interesting writer.

    The Golden Eagle
    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

  10. I'm always ashamed to admit I haven't read Jane Austen yet. I've been catching up on various classics, and she's on the list, but reading time isn't what I'd like it to be.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  11. Ah, Jane Austin...the creator of the modern novel. Or so they say. Not a bad way to spend a summer's evening, I think.

    Best of luck throughout the month. A to Z is lucky to have you.

    And if you have a moment, stop by to egg us on!

  12. Nice start to the alphabet. Understandably, everything is geared to Jane Austin right now. Gives us Brits something to be proud of.

  13. As a fellow Austin lover, this is fantastic!!

  14. I did read Jane Austen in school, but haven't been part of the recent comeback craze. I'll be tagging along, so maybe by month end, I'll be fascinated enough to pick up one of her books that I still own.

  15. Jane Austen, what a truly outspoken and confident person she must have been. I am curious now.
